Swtor story order map
Swtor story order map

Shadows rising when I've completed Makeb etc etc etc Makeb becomes visible when I've completed Ilum Expansions - this is the most important one, All expansion quests should be hidden to be revealed once i have completed the correct sequence.Įxample: Ilum quests are hidden until I have completed Coreilla as long as i have the option on the map checked, I will not see quests for Toborro's Courtyard or any future operations down the line, until I have finished the Makeb storyline.ģ. Operations are also experienced in the correct order with this option, so when I hit Coreilla - the original level 50 planet, this is when the Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace light up, and they light up first, only when I have done them, and I'm doing the appropriate planet at the right stage do the next ones appear.Į.g. But if I want to see everything based on level, i simply uncheck the option on the map.Ģ. as I progress to the next planet, more subsequent ones become visible. Even if I'm level 75, if I'm only on Tattooine, the only missions visible to me would be the flashpoint and operation missions up to Tattooine's original level range - the one you are level squished too. Will appear at the level appropriate planet (but if you don't care about this, uncheck the option and all the missions will pop up according to their initial level requirement)ġ. Missions at the shuttles on the various planets that take you to the fleet to pick up the flashpoint mission. This is checked by default unlike exploration quests, and it means that they will only show up once you're at that stage in the story. My preferred method to fix this is an option on the map, just like the map hides exploration quests, the map can hide extra content quests like flashpoints and new expansion where they will only pop up when you have reached the right planet stage you were meant to encounter them. Taral V was originally level 30, but it should be switched to being active once you completed Tatooine class story or planet story, and have started Alderaan - there should be an option that ties you into it or alerts you. the problem is these are based on order rather than on planet/point in story progressionĮ.g. I recently decided to go through the whole adventure again, after a long break, I was level 70 by the time i finished Tatooine, which I don't have a problem with, except that I have all the quest options for all the previous expansion open, and planets that I normally would not have had access to in the original game until i had literally finished the main story line or hit 50 - like Ilum etc.Īlso bad is the all over the place order of Flashpoint missions. The biggest problem is all the various missions that are level sensitive that just appear, even though you've not gotten tot hat stage of the story.

swtor story order map

maybe you can have an option in the menu that players can select and it will prompt them when next to go. Some on then have notting to do with the story line.

swtor story order map

When you have compleet that you start the Rise of the Hutt Cartel chapterĪfter that you start the shadow of raven chapter.Īnd then you start knights of the fallen empire after that the knights of the eternal throne.Īnd when you have done that you start the Fractured Alliances.Īnd after that Jedi Under Siege the ossus one.

swtor story order map

Thanks in advance! after you compleet chapter 3 from you class you need to go to compleet the story line more on ilum. and can i assume the mission terminal in my spaceship is where to access/start these? is there something else i should do first?. but should i completely finish off all missions on planets like Hoth and Voss before i do this (or can i go back and do these later. It seems like i should do 'Shadows of Revan' before the rest. and the descriptions in the spaceship mission terminal each has a warning that says you might want to do something else first. since it seems everything has something that is suppose to be done before it.

Swtor story order map